Monday 12 December 2022

Blackshirt meeting ends in violence - A Mean Streets Tabletop Game in 28mm

    Blackshirt meeting attacked in Drovers Road.

A meeting by the BUF was broken up by an orchestrated attack by Communists, the meeting began at half past eight on Thursday night in Drovers Road.

Just out of sight the gang of Communists gathered and the plan of action was finalised. 

BUF speaker, Mr Hargreaves, had attracted a small audience and was just getting into his stride, after around five minutes, when a group of men were seen coming towards them. 

The fighting was short and brutal, two Blackshirts were knocked down and Mr Hargreaves received a bloody nose, after which he retreated down the road. The brunt of the fighting now fell to two Fascists who, although outnumbered, bravely took on their adversaries.

Soon two mounted police officers arrived and immediately felled one of the Communists with a crack on the head. Three of the Communists pursued Mr Hargreaves down Drovers Road, the police were too late to rescue him.

Hargreaves received another punch and was knocked unconscious with a club, at the scene of the fight a police car arrived and the Communists scattered, the mounted officers then charged down Drovers Road in pursuit of the other three.

 The wounded Blackshirts received first aid while the injured Communist was arrested, meanwhile the other three Communists disappeared down the alleyways and were searched for in vain by the police.

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