Monday 4 March 2024

A close call on Table Kop and Police assaulted in Hobbs Park - A table Top Game In 28mm

12th October 1901

 A close call in the Transvaal and Policemen attacked in Hobbs Park, arrests made.

In the Transvaal.

Our South African correspondent Tarquine Squears had a close call whilst out on the veldt with a detachment of Australian volunteers, a remarkable near death experience.

The Australians are a tough and brave breed, I was out with Major Sullivan, a no nonsense bushman from New South Wales, and his men on Table Kop.

Knowing there was a Boer commando out there somewhere we advanced in open order to flush them out and maybe 'bag' one or two. 

It was a very well executed ambush, as I watched the infantry moving forward, I heard the deadly crackle Mauser fire and the Aussies fell, some never to move again. Boer mounted commandos then rushed forward to finish off or capture those left standing, it was over in moments.

I hid where I could, the Boer horsemen scouring the veldt looking for survivors, one Aussie horseman escaped, the rest were dead or captured.

Knowing that the Royal Fusiliers were coming up behind us I had to warn them what had just happened to the Australians, and of the impending ambush. Luckily the British were not silent marching over the veldt and at the sound of a bugle the Boers retreated back to their lines and I was safe from discovery.

I didn't want to startle any advancing soldier as they were well armed and handy with the bayonet, so I gently called out the first typically English thing that popped into my head...'bangers and mash', not my finest moment but it worked.

I was presented to Major Faulks and told him what happened, we were soon joined by the errant Australian horseman and a plan was worked out, advance in open order!

The sound of gunfire and the cries of the men was deafening, men dropped on both sides but the superior number of British soldiers soon began to turn the tide of battle. The Boer line wavered then broke.

Once the Boer line broke the Fusiliers advanced very quickly making prisoner of several Boers and releasing the captured Australians, it was such a relief to see Major Sullivan once more.

This small action on Table Kop cost the lives of 5 Australians and 6 Fusiliers with 12 Boers killed, 11 Imperial troops were wounded.


Disturbance at Hobbs Park.

In a disgraceful display of violence Detective Inspector Bolton, Detective Sergeant Theakston and PC Dodd were set upon by a gang of ruffians.

With a few moments PC Dodd was felled by a flying bottle both Bolton and Theakstone were in the thick of it. A well meaning passer by ran to Drovers Yard Police Station and a body of mounted police were soon dispatched.

The detectives put up a spirited defence, but they were almost being overwhelmed, the parrying skills of the policemen were remarkable and the the bloody noses of their opponents were growing in number.

Soon the mounted section were close and the ruffians began to look worried, this attack did not look like it had gone to plan.

The thugs were on the run and heads were knocked, three men were arrested and will be charged to appear before the magistrates on Monday. DI Bolton was left with superficial wounds and a nasty razor slash that ruined his coat, DS Theakstone also sported some superficial bruises and PC Dodd was taken to hospital with concussion.

In conclusion we wish our boys in South Africa the best of luck and our policemen a speedy recovery.

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